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I feel so thirsty for this water! So easy to drink. I had an immediate water works detox the first few days of drinking. Am pretty sure it is continuing to work its magic in many ways.
When I first purchased Source Water I was hoping it would support my detox and health efforts as I want to get off my meds. The results have been well beyond my expectations, and I am now a monthly subscriber. Wouldn't be without it.
Gosh I can’t believe 3 months in and all my skin concerns have disappeared! Things I’ve battled for years. Great deep sleeps consistently through the night for my son & I and overall health and energy levels have noticeably improved! Really incredible to see how much it’s made a difference, thank you!! In my opinion you actually have to give it a go as it can be hard to comprehend just how much it makes a difference!
I’ve always struggled with not knowing what water is ‘the best’ for me to drink, and I think that’s stopped me from being much of a water drinker. After finding Source, I have fallen in love with water! I’ve gone from drinking an embarrassingly small amount each day, to 2-3 litres & am feeling much better for it. I’ve even stopped drinking energy drinks because I feel like the water is so nourishing. I hope it’s always accessible, forever!!
This was the last affirmation in my Source water box!! It came at a time when I had just received really positive news re my cancer journey!! All is heading in the right direction & Source water goes a very long way towards my wellbeing. I am sure it’s helping with all the health benefits & also with the detoxing process after each chemo treatment.
So grateful I was pointed in Ross & Shona’s direction!!! Highly recommend.
I have found Source water to be a pleasure to drink. I am discovering how healing it is and how great my skin looks and this water tastes so good!
I love getting the words that come with it and wait until I’ve finished before i find out what is this surprise is and i keep these,in fact they’re on the wall,my Source Water word wall !!! Thanks so much for making it available to everyone ✌🏻
Hello, so much thanks to Shona and Ross for this beautiful Source Water! I always find water hard to drink and knew that I was quite dehydrated, but as soon as I started drinking this I realised how thirsty I was and drank loads! It tastes smooth and creamy, utterly delicious and from everything I have read I know that it has done myself and my family, including pets, lots of good. Shona was incredible at helping with my order and all the questions I asked beforehand! Wish we lived nearer as we would order it all the time, as it is, will order now and then as a special treat! Thank you so much :). Love and all good wishes, Collette and family xxx ps love the Source Water coasters too!
I brought source water for myself initially and really love the taste. My partner who previously thought " water is just water" now won't drink anything else after experiencing the health benefits and great taste!
We love the words included in the box too! They always seem so relevant at the time we read them. Thanks Shona and Ross 🙂
After reading about how you put words in your water boxes I was intrigued to find out what my box had. I woke up this morning and wrote in my journal that it was only today that I knew what the term “ nourishing food” meant as I was on a new health journey and discovery over the past few weeks. When I finished the water this morning and put my hand into the box..the words that came out was “ nourishing” . After going to Veda Austin’s lecture on the powers of words with water this does not surprise me but still blows me away.
‘Gratitude’ was the word sitting in my first box of Source Water - And I am truly grateful.
I’m drinking this magical water daily, and feel much more energised and hydrated. My sleep has improved significantly.
I highly recommend. This was my first order, and will now subscribe monthly as I don’t want to run out. Thank you Ross & Shona
Love love love this water. So yummy to drink and feels so pure and good for you. I love the way it feels in your mouth - very soft.
Our first word was “Restoration” which was so apt given it was for my husband who was needing to rest and restore after his major operation.
Highly recommend.
I love Source Water,it tastes so good and it feels good. I’ve noticed how it has helped so much for my kidneys especially. It’s easy to drink and has a smooth consistency and i look forward to drinking it
We started with 1x box.
Subscribed for monthly 2x boxes.
I just ordered another on top of our subscription as getting low.
My teens want them in their rooms !!
In an ever growing toxic world how lucky and blessed are we to have access to Source Water!!
We've been having Nz Source Water for just over a week and love it! My toddler has stopped wetting her pants and running for the toilet, she seems to be better hydrated and it's not just going straight through her, which is very interesting. I'm feeling the same (not that I was wetting my pants 😅😂), but love the taste and feel more energy and clear headed since staring the water. We have ordered a lot more, I never want to run out! Plus Shona and Ross are so lovely. I can't wait to tell you what our "words" in our boxes hinted at 😍🤭
Of the many and varied waters I’ve consumed , this is the most healing . You feel the difference in energy level immediately but the true and full healing (which I am still experiencing) happens gradually. I see the subtle differences happening in my children as well , in terms of both physical and emotional growth. xx